Low Inventory Email Reports for Shopify

You can use Ablestar Email Reports to keep track of products on your store that are close to selling out. The low inventory report is a metric that you can add to your email reports that will show you the remaining stock and number of recent sales for a product. You can use this metric to create a stand-alone email report for low inventory, or include it as part of your daily sales report emails.

Configuring a Low Inventory Report for Shopify

You can add the low inventory report to an email report by opening up the app and clicking on the report you what to edit. Once there:

  1. Click on the + Add Metric button in the 'Report Metrics' section
  2. Choose 'Low Inventory Report' from the drop down list and click on Add Metric
  3. The metric is now added to your report. Configure it and click Save when you are done

When you're configuring the report you can change the 'Inventory level cutoff' option to only show products with inventory levels less than that number.

You can also restrict the list to products from a certain vendor. If you would like to include multiple vendors you can, just separate them with a comma.

Understanding the Report

The low inventory report helps you monitor your inventory levels by showing you which products are nearing depletion. It will also show you the number of recent sales for a product to help gauge the urgency.

The low inventory report only includes products in the active state, meaning that products in the draft or archived state will not appear in this report.

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