Cloning an Edit

There may be times you need to make multiple changes to the same set of products. Instead of repeatedly setting up the same product filters to isolate the products, you can clone an edit to save time. 

In this article, we'll take you through the steps of cloning a product edit. We'll cover:

  • How cloning an edit works
  • Identifying and cloning the Edit
  • Choosing the field to modify
  • Running the Edit

In order to follow along, you should have:

How Cloning an Edit Works

Cloning an edit copies the original search and then allows you to choose different fields to edit. Because it's repeating the original search, it does not work if the field you are searching for is the same field you edited in the original search. 

For example, if the original search was for products < $20, then those prices were changed to $30. When you clone the Edit, you won't see any products listed because no products match the < $20 condition anymore.

Step 1: Identifying & Cloning the Edit

To find the Edit you wish to clone

  1. Click History > Edit History

You will see a list of all edits, and their status, progress, and start date. 

To clone an edit:

  1. Select the edit name in the list
  2. Click Clone Edit 

Step 2: Choosing the Field to Edit 

  1. After clicking Clone Edit, you will see a list of all the products matching the original Edit search criteria. 
  2. Click Edit Products to choose the fields you want to edit.

Step 3: Running the Edit 

Once you have chosen the fields to modify, click Run Edit to run the Edit immediately or Schedule Edit to schedule the Edit to run at a time in the future

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